Dear Diary...28.9.18


Dear Diary 28.9.18


 After recovering from a weekend of a few too many glasses of Prosecco, a very wet afternoon at the visiting fun fair and the kids dancing round a 'ham' bag here's our round up of what we got up to this week!


 When the school run, and order sorting is done we always start our working day with a phone call to each other. Monday calls are always a bit longer as we catch up on what we got up to at the weekend and we generally end up in fits of giggles as we relay stories of us being plonkas in some form or another...

 Giggles aside we sort out what we're getting up to today which involves getting everything ready to launch our 2019 Calendar, planting the seed for an exciting philanthropic project and Marth getting ready for Radio Sheffield!


 So today is one of my days with Ernie and being mum but I'm always checking in on emails and social media on my phone if I'm not in the studio- it's near impossible to turn off completely when you run your own business!

 I'm a little more tired than usual today as I had the pleasure of being on Radio Sheffield last night! I joined four other lovely Sheffield ladies on the Monday Night Social show discussing all sorts of randomness from crisp sushi, steak dinners, airport drinking and of course a little bit of m&h.

 I was so nervous before going on as public speaking is not my strong point and something I don't naturally feel comfortable with but it's healthy to push the boundaries and step out of your comfort zone sometimes.

 My nerves soon vanished, and I ended up really enjoying myself, so much so I'll be back on-air next month!

 If you missed the show you can listen on iplayer for the next 30days

 M x


 I immersed myself in Etsy and got my head around the geeky thing of how they have changed all the search bits and bobs to be rudely interrupted by a phone call from the school to go and collect a small sickly boy - my m&h day ended! H x


 Autumn homepages created, logo designed, and press releases written for an exciting new project we're launching next week, Craft & Flea market prep for Saturday, Pinterest pin made for our m&h hedgehog pin cushion, oh and more Etsy tweaks. 

 I can also confirm that working from home with a boy that was poorly but is now very much recovered isn't easy!


 - orders - emails - keyword updates - post office run - social media updates -

 Anybody remember the children's TV character Worzel Gummidge who changed heads? Well running a small creative business is basically like that! You are designer, marketeer, sales, accountant and some things you do better than others! We've learnt over the years that it's ok to recognise your weaknesses and ask for help from those who are stronger in a certain area than you are, you can then concentrate on your strengths and do what you enjoy.

What's your business weakness? Both Martha and I aren't the best at trade sales, so we've got some peeps who are in the know to help us out! The Great British Exchange helped us get into the John Lewis Project and we also work with Beautiful British Designs. If you are looking to partner with a sales agent make sure they fit your brand, as all our designs are made in the UK we choose people that champion this USP.

 On a side note apparently, they're bringing Worzel Gummidge back to our screens!

 Have a great weekend, if you're in Sheffield you can find Martha at the Craft & Flea market on Saturday with a whole load of m&h. As for me I was informed on the school run this morning that I'm making Bacon & Maple cupcakes and visiting a dinosaur park...yup living the dream!

 M&H x

Erm I've just re-read this and apparently we have started and ended the week with activities involving pig products (dancing around ham bags and baking bacon cakes)...I'll leave this here...!

martha and hepsie calendar  BBC Radio Sheffield    martha and hepsie you are great card  Craft & Flea Sheffield   Pig In Blanket Card Exclusively on Not On The Highstreet


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