Gift Wrap That Gives 2019!

It's taken us a while but we've finally decided on the 6 charities we are going to donate 10% of the profits from the sales of our gift wrap in 2019!

Gift Wrap That Gives Campagin

We've chosen charities that relate to martha and hepsie as a brand and us as people. The 6 charities we have chosen are:

Gift Wrap That Gives Charities

Children & The Arts: We've both have design degrees, loved art at school and believe every child should have access to the arts.

Mind: We have both seen friends and family experience mental health issues so this is a subject very close to our hearts and feel that Mind is the perfect charity for us to support.

Home Start: Having young families we truly understand how tough it can be and want to support a charity who can help when needed.

WWF: Nearly all our illustrations are of birds and animals so we thought it only right to nominate a charity that supports so many of the worlds beautiful creatures.

Wellbeing Of Women: We are women, mothers, sisters and daughters and the research Wellbeing Of Women fund will affect us all. 

The Trussell Trust: Food is an integral part of our lives. We love to cook and eat and want to help those who find themselves in need of food, whatever their circumstances.

10% of profits from the 2019 sales of all our gift wrap across our website, Etsy  Not On The High Street stores as well as sales from Appletree and Avalon  will be split across the 6 charities.

Giving is good!

M&H x


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