Leopard, Labradoodle & Butterfly!

We recently added 3 new vibrant designs to the m & h family!

Leah The Leopard

Inspired by rain forests, jungles and the ever growing love for lush greens in our homes, Leah the Leopard adds a bold colour palette of blues and greens to our collection.



Shop our Leopard collection here.

Betty The Butterfly

We're not really girly girls but we do love colour and this butterfly design looks perfect on the brightest of pink backgrounds! Inspired by the hottest summer we've had in ages this butterfly design adds a splash of colour to your home.



Shop our Butterfly collection here.

Noodle The Labradoodle

Dogs are one the UK's most popular pets and we've been wanting one to join the m&h family for a while but it's been so difficult choosing a breed to draw. We've eventually settled on Noodle the Labradoodle the cutest of pups and full of character!



Shop our Labradoodle collection here.

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