Make a Peg Bag!

martha and hepsie peg bag


It's April, officially Spring and it's hailing outside so I thought I'd show you how to make a Peg Bag from one of our tea towels because it's the perfect weather to be hanging your washing out...!

MAKE TIME: 1hr 30mins

To make the peg bag you will need:

  • A m&h tea towel, available to buy here
  • A childrens hanger
  • Paper
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Fabric Scissors
  • Coordinating sewing thread

Step One

You need to create a 3 piece pattern for the peg bag:

Piece 1(front): Draw around the hanger and add 2cm to the top of the pattern and 3cm to the base. 

Piece 2(front): Fold the tea towel in half, place piece 1 on the top of one half of the tea towel, piece 2 will be the same width as piece 1 and the length of the tea towel remaining from one half.

Piece 3(back): This piece will be the two pieces of the front put together but take off 2cm from the bottom.

(Please excuse this photo, I should've ironed the tea towel - whoops)!

Step Two

Place the pattern pieces on the right side of the tea towel and cut them out.

Step Three

Fold over the point at the top of both the front and back section by 1cm and top stitch. Next fold over a 1cm hem on the bottom of section 1 and the top of section 2 and top stitch.


Step Four  

Put both front pieces (pattern facing) on top of the back piece, there will be a slight overlap of the hems where the opening is).

Starting from the top of the small opening where the hanger will go through sew all around the peg bag to the other side with a 1cm hem.


Step Five

Turn your peg bag out and place the hanger into the top section.

Now fill it with pegs and wait for the weather to get better so you can put your clothes on the line to dry! 

Choose from 8 tea towel designs to create your m&h peg bag here




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