Make your own m&h hedgehog pin cushion!

martha and hepsie makes hedgehog pin cushion

This super cute hedgehog pin cushion is really simple to make and is a great sewing project for an autumn evening! 

MAKE TIME: 1 hour

To make your pin cushion you will need: 

  • Sample piece of m&h Hedgehog Fabric (£2 from our website with free P&P here).
  • Coordinating sewing thread
  • Toy stuffing
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Sewing needle

Step One

Cut out two hedgehogs leaving as much pink background as possible.

Cut out two martha and hepsie hedgehogs


Step Two

Pin together the the right side of the hedgehogs together making sure that they match (I pinned their noses together to start with and worked around the body).

Pin together the hedgehog pin cushion fabric   Pin together the pin cushion fabric

Step Three

For ease draw the outline of the hedgehog with a pencil so you have a line to follow when sewing the two pieces together.

Mark the outline of the pin cushion

Step Four

Sew together the two pieces with a simple straight stitch, following the pencil line stitch 5mm away from it. Leave a 1.5cm gap at the base to be able to turn the hedgehog inside out and stuff.

(If you are hand sewing use a simple running stitch). 

Trim off any excess fabric.

Sew the pin cushion   Trim the pin cushion

Step Five

Turn the hedgehog inside out and fill with toy stuffing. I use a chopstick to poke the toy stuffing in.

turning pin cushion inside out   stuffing pin cushion

Step Six

Close the opening using a blind stitch.

Blind stitch the pin cushion

Ta dah you've got one super cute hedgehog cushion (which can double up as a little toy as well)!

Hedgehog Pin Cushion

We'd love to see your martha and hepsie makes, please tag us in your photo's on facebook or instagram @marthaandhepsie.

M & H xx



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