Make Your Own Blue Tit Key Ring!

- 1 x sample swatch of m&h Blue Tit Fabric (£2 from our website with free P&P here )
- A small length of ribbon 1cm wide by 8cm (we used one of our m&h tags but a blue, yellow or black ribbon would look great).
- A small amount of toy stuffing
- Yellow or blue sewing cotton
Step One
Cut out two Blue Tits (one looking left, one looking right) with as much grey background as possible.
Step Two
Trim the top of one of the Blue Tits to leave 5mm of grey, fold the ribbon in half, pin to the wrong side and attach with a straight stitch. (If you are hand sewing the key ring use a simple running stitch).
Step Three
Pin the wrong side of the fabric together making sure the Blue Tit's match, leave a small gap and place a small amount of toy stuffing to fill the Blue Tits belly, once stuffed pin together!
(If you are hand sewing the key ring you will need to pin the Blue Tit's together and trim the grey background to 5mm all the way around. Stuff once you have sewn 3/4 of the Blue Tit together and then continue to sew all the way around).
Step Four
Set your sewing machine to its tightest zig zag stitch.
Use a small blanket stitch if you are handsewing the key ring.
Step Five
Sew all around the Blue Tit using the outline of the Blue Tit as a guideline
(If you are hand sewing don't forget to stuff the key ring when you have sewn 3/4 of the Blue Tit). Once you've sewn all around the Blue Tit trim the excess fabric getting as close to the stitch as possible without cutting the top off (and don't snip through the ribbon)!
Step Six
Ta dah, you've made a key ring! Thread the ribbon onto your own key ring or if you have made the key ring as a gift you can buy the rings separately from many craft shops or online stores such as Etsy, Amazon or Hobby Craft.
We'd love to see your martha and hepsie makes, please tag us in your photo's on facebook or instagram @marthaandhepsie.
M & H xx